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If there is any doubt, don't assume something is clean; if unknown, take precautions. Always think "safety." What is the safe thing to do?
A nursing assistant finds a clean pillow case on the floor near the clean linen cart. What should the nursing assistant do?

a) Place it back in the cart and cover the cart
b) Never shake linens or clothing in the facility. Shake it off and place it in a resident’s room for immediate use
c) Discard the linen in the soiled linen hamper
d) Leave it on the floor and call for housekeeping staff to remove
2. A nursing assistant suspects abuse of a resident. What should the nursing assistant do?

a) Talk with the resident’s family first
b) Discuss this with another nursing assistant first
c) Discuss this with your supervisor
d) Suggest that the resident contact his attorney
3. A nursing assistant finds a resident crying in her room. What should the nurse assistant do?

a) Bring the resident a box of kleenex
b) Make sure the resident has drinking water
c) Inform the staff psycholgist
d) Ask the resident if it would help if they tell you why they are crying
4. Mrs. Smith carries a doll around as if it were her baby. Today she lost the doll and is crynig that her baby is gone. The CNA should:

a) borrow another doll if possible
b) ask the resident where she last had the doll
c) comfort the resident and help her look for the doll
d) tell the staff the this resident is delusional and should be watched
5. A CNA is asked to change a urinary drainage bag attached to an indwelling urinary catheter. However the CNA has never done this before. The CNA should:

a) ask another CNA to do this
b) attempt to do it, but ask if she has a problem
c) ask a nurse to oversee the CNA's work since it is her first time doing this.
d) ask the HR department if this task is in her job description
Know your duties and don't exceed them.
Which of the following is within the CNA's job abilities?

a) Changing sterile wound dressings
b) giving medication to residents
c) taking telephone orders from a physician
d) attending meetings dealing with resident care
Know the technical terms for range of motion movements, e.g., flexion
Which of the following are true about range of motion (ROM) exercises?

a) they require at least 20 repetitions for each exercise
b) they help prevent strokes and the aging process
c) they should be done once per day
d) they are typically performed during normal ADLs such as bathing or dressing
8. A resident who is lying in bed suddenly becomes short of breath. After calling for help, the nurse aide’s next action should be to:

a) ask the resident to take deep breaths
b) elevate the resident’s feet
c) raise the head of the bed
d) take the resident’s vital signs
9. While the nurse aide tries to dress a resident who is confused, the resident keeps trying to grab a hairbrush. The nurse aide should:

a) restrain the resident’s hand
b) try to dress the resident more quickly
c) give the resident the hairbrush to hold
d) put the hairbrush away and out of sight
10. Before feeding a resident, which of the following is the best reason to wash the resident’s hands?

a) The resident may still touch his/her mouth or food
b) The resident needs to keep meal routines
c) It improves resident morale and appetite
d) It reduces the risk of spreading airborne diseases.
11. When using personal protective equipment (PPE) the nurse aide correctly follows Standard Precautions when wearing:

a) gloves while ambulating a resident
b) gloves to remove a resident’s bedpan
c) a mask and gown while feeding a resident that coughs
d) double gloves when providing perineal care to a resident
12. To help prevent resident falls, the nurse aide should

a) always raise siderails when any resident is in his/her bed
b) leave residents’ beds at the lowest level when care is complete
c) encourage residents to wear larger‐sized, loose‐fitting clothing
d) remind residents who use call lights that they need to wait patiently for staff
Use your thinking cap and realize what are priorities. This means being flexible in approaching tasks.
As the nurse aide begins his/her assignment, which of the following should the nurse aide do first?

a) Collect linen supplies for the shift
b) Check all the nurse aide’s assigned residents
c) Assist a resident that has called for assistance to get off the toilet
d) Check all the nurse aide’s assigned residents
14. Which of the following would affect a nurse aide’s status on the state’s nurse aide registry and also cause the nurse aide to be ineligible to work in a nursing home?

a) Having been terminated from another facility for repeated tardiness
b) Missing a mandatory infection control inservice training program
c) Failing to show for work without calling to report the absence
d) Having a finding for resident neglect
15. To help prevent the spread of germs between patients, nurse aides should

a) warn residents that holding hands spreads germs
b) wash hands for at least two minutes after each resident contact
c) hold supplies and linens away from their uniforms
d) wear gloves when touching residents
16. When a sink has hand‐control faucets, the nurse aide should use

a) a paper towel to turn the water on
b) an elbow, if possible, to turn the faucet controls on and off
c) bare hands to turn the faucet controls both on and off
d) a paper towel to turn the water off
17. When moving a resident up in bed who is able to move with assistance, the nurse aide should:

a) bend the resident’s knees and ask the resident to push with his/her feet
b) pull the resident up holding onto one side of the drawsheet at a time
c) use a gait or transfer belt to assist with the repositioning
d) position self with knees straight and bent at waist
18. The resident’s weight is obtained routinely as a way to check the resident’s

a) growth and development
b) activity level
c) nutrition and health
d) adjustment to the facility
19. Which of the following is a right that is included in the Resident’s Bill of Rights?

a) To have payment plan options that are based on financial need
b) To have staff available that speak different languages on each shift
c) To make decisions and participate in own care
d) To have religious services offered at the facility daily
TPR B/P stands for Temperature, Pulse, Respiration and Blood Pressure. You must know the normal numbers for these and the range that is normal. For example 32 is quite high for Respirations per minute if just resting in a chair.
Considering the resident’s activity, which of the following sets of vital signs should be reported to the charge nurse immediately? (P.S. Vitals are TPR B/P)

a) Resting: 98.6°‐98‐32
b) After eating: 97.0°‐64‐24
c) After walking exercise: 98.2°‐98‐28
d) While watching television: 98.8°‐72‐14
Go to WWW.EBOOK-BROWSER.COM for more CNA Questions and the ebook "How to Become a Certified Nurse Assistant."
This is only a sample of some commonly sited questions. You can find many more challanging and unique CNA questions in this quick learning format for the lowest price at www.eBook-Browser.com. True or False?

a) True
b) False
22. The doctor has told the resident that his cancer is growing and that he is dying. When the resident tells the nurse aide that there is a mistake, the nurse aide should:

a) understand that denial is a normal reaction
b) remind the resident the doctor would not lie
c) suggest the resident ask for more tests
d) ask if the resident is afraid of dying
23. A slipknot is used when securing a restraint so that

a) the restraint cannot be removed by the resident
b) the restraint can be removed quickly when needed
c) body alignment is maintained while wearing the restraint
d) it can be easily observed whether the restraint is applied correctly
24. A resident who is inactive is at risk of constipation. In addition to increased activity and exercise, which of the following actions helps to prevent constipation?

a) Adequate fluid intake
b) Regular mealtimes
c) High protein diet
d) Low fiber diet
25. A resident has an indwelling urinary catheter. While making rounds, the nurse aide notices that there is no urine in the drainage bag. The nurse aide should first

a) ask the resident to try urinating
b) offer the resident fluid to drink
c) check for kinks in the tubing
d) obtain a new urinary drainage bag
e) Return to: www.eBook-Browser.com
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