Holocaust : Time to Lift the Veil"The Holocaust was the murder by Nazi Germany of Six Million Jews."Source: http://www.yadvashem.org/holocaust/aboutIf this is true, then we should feel sad, disgusted, angry, and determined to stop all wars. Even if the hard facts do not support this claim that exactly six million died, we should be reminded of how useless war is in achieving any goal except the evil pursuit of war profits. Reality lives on hard facts; facts do not support the claim by http://yadvashem.org that 6 million died. This point has been driven home by scholars and survivors repeatedly, yet the propaganda for sympathy and monetary aide to Israel is so well funded and the history books so skewed that the pressure to believe the lie continues 70 years after WWII. A most effective weapon against truth is shaming via name-calling. The simple terms "holocaust denier" and "anti-Semite" have tremendous influence on the average mind. (Vulgar anti-Semite or "hater" are for the really tough jobs). These "control phrases" do their job to keep propaganda front and center, and keep thoughts of actual factual data out of mind. Choose today to ignore this cheap trick and think for yourself. If the holocaust is true, then a great crime was committed and obviously Hitler was truly a most evil man. If the holocaust is not true, then let the facts be known and stop the lie today. Whatever the truth is, it is worth defending! Let's not live our lives or build our future on lies. In a sense, we have two choices: truth deniers or holocaust deniers.
Getting back to the facts of the alleged holocaust: Facts to consider. Questions to ask. (*) There are many calling themselves holocaust survivors. They affirm the holocaust. There are also those who lived in the camps and say there was no such holocaust. Who is telling the truth? (*) Churchill and Eisenhower both wrote lengthy histories of WWII. Yet in their books they mention nothing of the holocaust. Why not? (*) The eminent Jewish scholar Rabbi Jacob Marcus in the Encyclopedia Britannica (1956 ed.) noted that Jews from WWII Germany were deported in inhuman condition to the East. He made no mention of any holocaust or gas chambers. Why not? (*) The site http://www.yadvashem.org/holocaust/about honors the "Holocaut Remembrance," yet missing are the names of the 6 million dead. Where are the names, birth certificates, or other supporting documentation on the 6 million? (*) The "six million" figure was published prior to WWII and also in newspapers during WWI. What is special about the expression "six million" Jews? Is it symbolic? (*) The World Almanac and other reference sources cite the world Jewish population at about 15,000,000 from 1930 up until present day, dipping to 11,000,000 or so in 1950 and 1955. Where are the missing 6,000,000 killed in the holocaust during WWII? (The World Almanac of the American Jewish Committee reported over 15 million during all the war years.)(*) Not a single gas chamber has been proven to have existed at Auschwitz. Why not? If the holocaust has been exposed to be largely fake (after reading the literature below), perhaps to create sympathy and victimhood status for Israel, then could this fake holocaust serve a duel purpose of covering up or distracting us from actual holocausts? A case could be made. What about the Holodomor? Say what? Holodomor.
Sources Bardeche, Maurice. "Nuremberg or the Promised Land" Butz, Arthur. "The Hoax of the Twentieth Century" Gauss, Ernst, "Dissecting the Holocaust: The Growing Critique of 'Truth' and 'Memory'", Capshaw, Alabama, 2000. Graf, Jurgen. "The Holocaust on Trial: Eyewitness Accounts versus Natural Laws" Thorn, Victor. "The Holocaust Hoax Exposed" Weintraub, Ben. "The Holocaust Dogma of Judaism: Keystone of the New World Order" The Myth of German Villainy Kindle Edition Hellstorm: The Death of Nazi Germany, 1944-1947 Kindle Edition The Six Million: Fact or Fiction Questions for Anne Frank 1994 Phil Donahue Holocaust Questions Eric Hunt Review The Bad War ---Youtube--- APPEARS MOST OR ALL OF THESE ARE NOW Dr. Faurisson speaks at minute 1:30 Dr. Faurisson Bio Holocaust Facts and Files Some Jewish Facts People are Conditioned to Ignore Old newspapers report "six million" Jews in jeopardy Holocaust Facts Reviewed How to Survive the Holocaust Israel: Unchallenged Criminal State No Gas Chambers at Auschwitz; Auschwitz Liars |